CS Electrical And Electronics

What are some consequences of using a simple BMS power-limits algorithm instead of a more accurate but more complicated BMS algorithm?

All QuestionsCategory: Battery Management SystemWhat are some consequences of using a simple BMS power-limits algorithm instead of a more accurate but more complicated BMS algorithm?
Chetu asked 4 years ago


  1. A need to compensate for algorithm uncertainty by oversizing the battery pack
  2. A bad estimate might lead to overcharging or over-discharging cells
  3. Abrupt corrections when the voltage or current limits exceeded
  4. A larger BMS algorithm-design staff is needed
1 Answers
chetu answered 4 years ago

The correct answers are:

  1. A need to compensate for algorithm uncertainty by oversizing the battery pack
  2. A bad estimate might lead to overcharging or over-discharging cells
  3. Abrupt corrections when the voltage or current limits exceeded