CS Electrical And Electronics

What are companies which are hiring for VLSI engineers?

All QuestionsCategory: VLSI CMOSWhat are companies which are hiring for VLSI engineers?
chetan shidling asked 4 years ago

I need short information.

1 Answers
chetan shidling answered 4 years ago

The companies which are hiring for VLSI engineers are:

  1. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc
  2. Datapoint info solutions
  3. Macart Equipment Pvt Ltd
  4. Samsung India Electronics Pvt Ltd
  5. Vector India Pvt Ltd
  6. Global Research Innovation & Development
  7. Vector India
  8. Softnautics
  9. Innovium
  10. Qualcomm
  11. Intel
  12. Nvidia
  13. Altera
  14. Texa Instruments
  15. Broadcom Inc
  16. TSMC
  17. SK Hynix
  18. Toshiba
  19. Micron Technology