CS Electrical And Electronics

Two power system areas A and B are interconnected and have the following characteristics: Area A: Regulation =4% rated capacity=400 MW, Area B: Regulation =6% rated capacity=500 MW Determine the steady-state frequency deviation, generation changes and tie-line power change following a increase of load demand by 50 MW in area B. Assume rated frequency as 50Hz. If another area C with Regulation =3% rated capacity=600 MW is also interconnected, determine the new values of steady-changes. Hence analyze the effect of interconnection operation on frequency changes following load disturbances

All QuestionsCategory: Power System AnalysisTwo power system areas A and B are interconnected and have the following characteristics: Area A: Regulation =4% rated capacity=400 MW, Area B: Regulation =6% rated capacity=500 MW Determine the steady-state frequency deviation, generation changes and tie-line power change following a increase of load demand by 50 MW in area B. Assume rated frequency as 50Hz. If another area C with Regulation =3% rated capacity=600 MW is also interconnected, determine the new values of steady-changes. Hence analyze the effect of interconnection operation on frequency changes following load disturbances
chetan shidling asked 3 years ago

I need a solution.