CS Electrical And Electronics

How many service does AWS provides?

All QuestionsCategory: Cloud ComputingHow many service does AWS provides?
chetan shidling asked 4 years ago

I need short information.

1 Answers
chetan shidling answered 4 years ago

AWS provides 25 different services and in 25 services each has many sub-services.
The 25 AWS products are:

  1. Analytics
  2. Application integration
  3. AR & VR
  4. AWS cost management
  5. Blockchain
  6. Business application
  7. Compute
  8. Containers
  9. Customer engagement
  10. Database
  11. Developer tools
  12. End-user computing
  13. Game tech
  14. Internet of things
  15. Machine learning
  16. Management & governance
  17. Media services
  18. Migration & transfer
  19. Mobile
  20. Networking & content delivery
  21. Quantum technologies
  22. Robotics
  23. Satellite
  24. Security, Identity & Compliance
  25. Storage