CS Electrical And Electronics

Difference between voltage and power amplifier?

All QuestionsCategory: Power ElectronicsDifference between voltage and power amplifier?
chetan shidling asked 4 years ago

I need short information.

1 Answers
chetan shidling answered 4 years ago

Voltage Amplifier

  1. It raises the voltage level
  2. Low current gain and high voltage gain
  3. Heat dissipation – Low
  4. The base region of the transistor is thin.
  5. Beta value (5 to 20)
  6. RC coupling

Power Amplifier

  1. It provides an increase in the power level
  2. High current gain and low voltage gain
  3. Heat dissipation – High
  4. The base of the transistor is comparatively thicker
  5. Beta value – High >(100)
  6. Transformer coupling