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What Is Volatile Keyword In C, Why It Is Used, Example Code

Hello guys, welcome back to our blog. Here in this article, we will discuss what is volatile keyword in C, what is the purpose of a volatile keyword, an example code to write a volatile keyword, and the advantages, disadvantages, and application of a volatile keyword.

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What Is Volatile Keyword In C

In embedded C programming, the volatile the keyword is used to indicate that a variable may be modified by external factors, such as hardware registers or other concurrently executing threads.

The volatile keyword tells the compiler that the value of the variable can change at any time and that it should not optimize access to the variable by assuming that its value is constant. This can be important in certain situations, such as when working with memory-mapped hardware registers or when using variables that are shared between threads.

Here’s an example of how the volatile keyword might be used in embedded C code:

volatile int flag;

void interrupt_handler(void)
    flag = 1;

int main(void)
    while (1) {
        if (flag) {
            flag = 0;
            // Do something in response to the interrupt
    return 0;

In this example, the variable flag is used to communicate between an interrupt handler and the main program. The interrupt handler sets the value of flag to 1 when an interrupt occurs, and the main program checks the value flag in a loop. By declaring flag as volatile, we ensure that the compiler does not optimize access to it by assuming that its value does not change. This is important because the value of flag can change as a result of an interrupt, and the compiler must always read the current value from memory.

Advantages of volatile keyword in embedded C

There are several advantages to using the volatile keyword in embedded C programming:

  1. It allows the compiler to generate the correct code: As mentioned earlier, the volatile keyword tells the compiler not to optimize access to a variable by assuming that its value is constant. This is important in situations where the value of the variable may change as a result of external factors, such as hardware registers or concurrently executing threads. Without the volatile keyword, the compiler may generate incorrect code that does not properly reflect the changing value of the variable.
  2. It can improve code efficiency: In some cases, using the volatile keyword can actually improve code efficiency. This is because the compiler may be able to optimize access to non-volatile variables more aggressively, resulting in faster and more efficient code. However, it’s important to note that using the volatile keyword can also have a negative impact on code efficiency in some cases, so it’s important to carefully consider its use.
  3. It can improve code readability: By explicitly declaring variables as you can make it clear to other programmers that the value of the variable may change as a result of external factors. This can improve code readability and make it easier for others to understand how the code works.
  4. It can help to prevent race conditions: In a multithreaded environment, using the volatile keyword can help to prevent race conditions by ensuring that access to shared variables is properly synchronized. This is because the volatile keyword tells the compiler not to optimize access to the variable, which can help to ensure that each thread sees the current value of the variable.

Disadvantages of volatile keyword in embedded C

There are a few potential disadvantages to using the volatile keyword in embedded C programming:

  1. It can decrease code efficiency: As mentioned earlier, using the volatile a keyword can sometimes have a negative impact on code efficiency. This is because it tells the compiler not to optimize access to the variable, which can result in slower and less efficient code.
  2. It can be difficult to use correctly: Using the volatile keyword correctly can be challenging, especially in complex or multithreaded code. It’s important to carefully consider when and how to use the volatile keyword to ensure that it’s being used correctly and effectively.
  3. It can increase code size: In some cases, using the volatile keyword can result in larger and more complex code. This is because the compiler must generate additional instructions to ensure that the current value of the variable is always read from memory, rather than being optimized away.
  4. It can make code more difficult to understand: In some cases, the use of the volatile keyword can make code more difficult to understand, especially for programmers who are not familiar with its purpose and behavior. This can be a disadvantage if you need to maintain or modify the code in the future.

Applications of volatile keyword in embedded C

The volatile keyword is commonly used in embedded C programming in a variety of applications, including:

  1. Accessing memory-mapped hardware registers: In many embedded systems, certain hardware registers are mapped to specific memory addresses. These registers can be accessed and modified using C variables that are declared as volatile. This allows the programmer to control the hardware by reading and writing to these registers using C code.
  2. Communicating between interrupt handlers and the main program: As mentioned earlier, the volatile keyword can be used to communicate between interrupt handlers and the main program. Declaring a variable as volatile, the compiler will ensure that the main program always reads the current value of the variable, even if it has been modified by an interrupt handler.
  3. Synchronizing access to shared variables in multithreaded environments: In a multithreaded environment, the volatile keyword can be used to synchronize access to shared variables. By declaring a shared variable as volatile, the compiler will ensure that each thread sees the current value of the variable, rather than caching a copy of the value in a register.
  4. Debugging: The volatile the keyword can also be useful for debugging, as it can help to ensure that the values of certain variables are not optimized away by the compiler. This can be helpful when trying to track down bugs in your code.

This was about “What Is Volatile Keyword In C“. I hope this article may help you all a lot. Thank you for reading.

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CS Electrical And ElectronicsChetu
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CS Electrical And Electronics

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