CS Electrical And Electronics

What are the different types of PHP keywords and definitions?

All QuestionsCategory: PHPWhat are the different types of PHP keywords and definitions?
chetan shidling asked 4 years ago

I need short information.

1 Answers
chetan shidling answered 4 years ago

The different types of PHP keywords are:

  1. abstract – Declare a class as abstract.
  2. and – A logical operator.
  3. as – Used in the for-each loop.
  4. break – Break out of loops and switch statements.
  5. callable – A data type that can be executed as a function.
  6. case – Used in the switch conditional.
  7. catch – Used in the try..catch statement.
  8. class – Declare a class.
  9. clone – Create a copy of an object.
  10. const – Define a class constant.
  11. continue – Jump to the next iteration of a loop.
  12. declare – Set directives for a block of code.
  13. default – Used in the switch statement.